Thursday, August 31, 2006

"The intellect of intellect"

The philosopher is a slave of intellectual pretensions;
the pure saint rides the Intellect of intellects like a prince.
The Intellect of intellect is your kernel;
the intellect is only a husk.
The belly of animals keeps seeking husks.
The intellect blackens books with writing;
the Intellect of intellect fills the universe
with light from the moon of reality.
It is free from blackness or whiteness:
the light of its moon rises and shines
upon the heart and the soul.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Band-e ma`qulât âmad falsafi
shahsavâr-e `Aql-e `aql âmad safi
`Aql-e `aqlet maghz va `aql-e tost pust
me`deh-ye hayavân hamisheh pust just
`Aql daftar-hâ konad yeksar siyâh
`Aql-e `aql âfâq dârad por ze mâh
Az siyâhi vaz sapidi fâreghast
nur-e mâhesh bar del o jân bâzeghast

-- Mathnawi III: 2527-2528; 2530-2532
Version by Camille and Kabir Helminski
"Rumi: Jewels of Remembrance"
Threshold Books, 1996
(Persian transliteration courtesy of Yahyل Monastra)

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