Friday, September 15, 2006

"Open your eyes a little"

Oh sir, you are mistaken in the ways of my
Friend. You and a hundred like you are bewildered by me
and my business.
Every neck is not worthy for Love's sword--
how should my blood-drinking Lion swallow down the blood
of dogs?
How should my Ocean support the planks of
every ship? How should your salt-flat drink from my Clouds
raining down pearls?
Do not nod your head like that, do not shake your
snout-how should an ass like you reach the oats in my
Oh sir, come to yourself for a moment! Open
your eyes a little-even though you are not equal to anything
I say.
The man says, "Why does the lover become
drunk and shameless?" When did wine ever leave shame,
especially when poured by my Saki?
He who is deceived by a wolf learns the same
deception and depravity-my artful Hunter makes him the
snare of his own self.
How should they want to buy the ancient wolf
in His bazaar? In my bazaar a living Joseph is displayed in
every corner.
How should an owl like you be fit for the Garden of
Iram? Not even the spirit's nightingale has found its way to
my Rosery!
Pride of Tabriz! Sun of God and the religion! Tell
me: Are not all these words of mine thy voice?

-- Ghazal (Ode) 2056
Translation by William C. Chittick
"The Sufi Path of Love"
SUNY Press, Albany, 1983

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